<但ton @click="$modal.show('quick-links')" aria-label="快速链接" class="tw-px-2 tw-py-1 tw-rounded hover:tw-bg-primary-600" title="快速链接">
<但ton @click="toggleMenu" aria-label="Menu toggle" class="tw-pl-2" title="Menu" type="但ton">
<但ton @click="$modal.show('quick-links')" aria-label="快速链接" class="tw-px-2 tw-py-1 tw-rounded hover:tw-bg-primary-600" title="快速链接">


不知道从哪里开始? 澳门线上博彩官网可以帮忙. 

The 沃拉沃拉大学 网络site is a primary resource for a variety of audiences to learn about 沃拉沃拉大学's mission, 校园文化, 项目, 服务, 和事件. It is important to maintain current and accurate information to best serve the needs of these audiences. All 网络 editors should have basic familiarity with Typo3 to enable them to make updates as necessary. 本页提供教程供您参考.



内容 contri但ors have a significant impact on a 网络site’s level of accessibility through their creation and editing of content on a ongoing basis. 当添加, 更新, 编辑网站, keep in mind 所有 the differently-abled 用户 who will access the site and only make changes that 所有ow 所有 用户 to have equal access and similar experiences. 关注可读性和可用性. 无障碍网站改善了用户体验 所有 用户. 

澳门线上博彩官网的网站代表了澳门线上博彩官网的大学. The quality and meaning communicated through our messaging and the content is judged by 用户 who visit and interact with it. 高质量的, inclusive content that is accessible to everyone reflects positively on our university’s reputation. 同样的, 可怜的, un-engaging, 不可访问或损坏的内容传达给所有人的负面形象.

Use this checklist during content creation to stay proactive about digital accessibility:

<但ton aria-controls="collapse-27169" aria-expanded="true" class="accordion-但ton" data-bs-target="#collapse-27169" data-bs-toggle="collapse" type="但ton"> 1. 内容


Most people have more trouble reading from a screen than from paper and read 25% slower online.


  • 每段只包含一个想法
  • 使用倒金字塔风格,从结论或主要观点开始
  • 尽可能将内容分成项目符号列表
  • 用短段落、短句和短单词写作

Write page titles that accurately reflect the topic on the page for better SEO results and improved visitor experience.

避免根据页面上的位置来写说明. 例如,将位置和文本组合在一起,而不是“在右边的框中”. 你可以在右边的方框里写上“澳门线上博彩官网的联系方式”.'"

<但ton aria-controls="collapse-28975" aria-expanded="true" class="accordion-但ton collapsed" data-bs-target="#collapse-28975" data-bs-toggle="collapse" type="但ton"> 2. 链接


Users frequently go to a site to complete a task and you can help them accomplish this efficiently with clear c所有s to action, 比如“注册U-Days“而不是”点击这里 注册." 

使用屏幕阅读器的人可以通过页面上的链接来扫描和浏览网站. This means that links should convey clear and accurate information about the destination and be understandable out of context. 要解决此问题,请重新编写页面上包含的超链接. 例如, 链接上面写着, “点击这里”远不如“点击这里”的描述性强, “请访问澳门线上博彩官网的联系页面.” Because screen readers often create a list of 所有 the links on a page and 用户 hear the links out of context, 最佳做法是在超链接中使用目标页面名称. 如果链接指向文件(如PDF或Word文档), provide that info in the link text “Download the handbook PDF” so 用户 know what to expect. 


对于任何用户来说,最令人沮丧的经历之一就是网站上的断开链接. A reality of the 网络site is that destination pages can change frequently and without notice. An important function of our content managers is to audit links frequently to make sure they continue to transport viewers to the correct destination. The 市场推广及大学关系 网页内容 Manager will communicate with you on a quarterly basis to encourage periodic reviews of your content, 包括链接, 为了准确. 



<但ton aria-controls="collapse-28976" aria-expanded="true" class="accordion-但ton collapsed" data-bs-target="#collapse-28976" data-bs-toggle="collapse" type="但ton"> 3. 标题


Use a logical heading order and the built-in style formatting tools to make it easier for screen reader 用户 navigate your pages.

每页只能使用一个标题1. 在该标题之后,所有标题应按升序使用. Maintaining this consistency 所有ows 用户 to navigate a page effectively using a keyboard. This also enables screen reader 用户 who use quick access menus to get a list of 所有 the headings on the pages and skim content.

<但ton aria-controls="collapse-28978" aria-expanded="true" class="accordion-但ton collapsed" data-bs-target="#collapse-28978" data-bs-toggle="collapse" type="但ton"> 4. 图片和所有文本


一幅图胜过千言万语, 但, 如果你看不清图片, 如果没有文本替代,意思就会丢失. 网站上使用的所有图片 必须 包括Alt文本.

  • Alt文本应该尽可能简洁地传达视觉上显示的内容的含义. 对于屏幕阅读器用户来说,长alt文本会导致糟糕的体验. 例如, 用图表, 好的Alt文本应该是, 图表显示,五年内收入增长了15%.”
  • Functional images like icons or 但tons that are used to convey actions should 包括Alt文本 like “print this page.”
  • Decorative images that do not inform or improve the meaning of the content and simply enhance the visual look and feel of the page should include blank alt text so that the screen reader will skip over the image. 只需使用“”作为所有文本. 如果“”不存在, 屏幕阅读器将读取图像文件的名称,这可能是一个主要的分心. 
  • 只要可能,应该避免包含文字的图像. 目前没有屏幕阅读器可以读取图像中的文本. 如果无法避免,最好在所有文本中使用完全相同的文本. 
  • 如果图像被链接,请在alt文本中描述链接目的地.

<但ton aria-controls="collapse-28979" aria-expanded="true" class="accordion-但ton collapsed" data-bs-target="#collapse-28979" data-bs-toggle="collapse" type="但ton"> 5. 多媒体


  • 为视频提供字幕和音频描述.
  • 检查任何自动生成的封闭字幕的准确性.
  • 提供音频内容的文本.
  • 澳门线上博彩官网的murr办公室可以通过rev .提供字幕.这将产生1美元的费用.50 /分钟). 以下是实现这一目标的步骤:
    1. 使用以下链接上传您的视频: w所有aw所有a.edu/video-upload. 添加后请务必点击“开始上传”.
    2. 视频上传完成后,会有一个屏幕询问一些问题.
      1. 分区:选择MUR.
      2. 标题:添加视频的标题.
      3. Caption: If you would like a description to be added to the YouTube video, you can add that here.
    3. Fill out this form indicating that you have uploaded the video along with the account number to charge the cost to: http://wwuform.所以.com/forms/video_captioning_request. 这个链接也可以在 墙页面 在“图片/视频.”
    4. 澳门线上博彩官网会在您的视频添加字幕后通知您. 之后,你可以按照下面的说明将其上传到网站: http://oyc6.bsaisoft.com/about-wwu/marketing-and-university-relations/how-to-use-typo/typo-basics/embedding-videos

 如果你的网页上有视频内容, 请与Web内容管理器合作,使您的内容可访问. 

<但ton aria-controls="collapse-55794" aria-expanded="true" class="accordion-但ton collapsed" data-bs-target="#collapse-55794" data-bs-toggle="collapse" type="但ton"> 6. PDF格式的


One of the most common ways of providing people with additional information on the internet is through the use of PDF格式的. 比如网站上的网页, 澳门线上博彩官网创建和上传的PDF文件需要让每个人都能访问. 


  • PDF中呈现的所有图像必须包含全部文本
  • 标题应该遵循嵌套结构
  • 表需要有正确定义的标题行
  • 在PDF文本和背景之间创建足够的对比度

在上传PDF文件到网站之前, 网络 managers should use the Ally PDF checker available via the "Accessibility Toolbox" in 网站Brightspace to check the accessibility level of created PDF格式的. 如何使用盟军工具-辅助工具箱.

If your department would like to upload to the 网络site a PDF document created by the 市场推广及大学关系 department that was origin所有y intended for print, 请 填写一个新的设计请求 教育部将创建一个可访问的PDF版本.

<但ton aria-controls="collapse-55804" aria-expanded="true" class="accordion-但ton collapsed" data-bs-target="#collapse-55804" data-bs-toggle="collapse" type="但ton"> 7. 最后的检查


一旦你一直在工作的网页已经对每个人可见, there are two important final checks you can use to help ensure that the page you created is accessible to everyone.


It is important to ensure that the 网络page you created can be navigated simply by using the "TAB" and "ENTER" keys on your keyboard. This is similar to how a screen reader would navigate a page and will help give a clear view of how a person using one will be navigating the page.

这也很重要,因为它可以帮助你避免“键盘陷阱”。, sections of the page that are impossible to escape from due to the presence of an unending loop. 这在使用社交媒体嵌入时最有可能发生.


Accessibility checkers scan through you 网络page to check its accessibility and show you where improvements can be made. 这有助于找到遗漏的图像文本, 格式不正确的表, and improperly formatted headings; things that are easy to disregard when creating a page. The Siteimprove accessibility checker offers an easy to use extension for most 网络 browsers, 请看下面的链接.

<但ton aria-controls="collapse-7131" aria-expanded="true" class="accordion-但ton" data-bs-target="#collapse-7131" data-bs-toggle="collapse" type="但ton">